
How To Get Energy With Lyme Disease

In that location's no specific "Lyme disease diet" at this fourth dimension. Fortunately, about people fully recover from Lyme disease subsequently taking antibiotics.

Preliminary enquiry suggests that certain plant oils have antibacterial effects that may support Lyme illness handling and reduce lingering symptoms. Additionally, anti-inflammatory compounds in certain foods may boost your allowed organization to help yous recover from Lyme and other infections.

This article explains how an anti-inflammatory diet may be benign, how it works, what foods to eat, and whether it might be a good option for you.

Best Diet Practices for Lyme Disease

Verywell / Danie Drinkwater


A report conducted by researchers at the Bloomberg Schoolhouse of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University found evidence that oils from garlic and other medicinal plants help fend off the germs responsible for Lyme disease, especially the form of the leaner associated with lingering and resistant symptoms such every bit fatigue and joint hurting.

Not eating enough protein is a known gamble factor for infection. Yet, this issue isn't common in the United States.

Across getting enough high-quality poly peptide, dietary patterns that include omega-iii fat acids, dietary fiber, and micronutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin Due east, B vitamins, selenium, iron, and phytonutrients (beneficial plant compounds) have been shown to support the immune organisation.

Diets loftier in saturated fats, trans fats, and refined carbohydrate take agin effects on the immune system. To simplify the recommendations, many experts advise following a Mediterranean diet—which meets the guidelines above—to reduce inflammation.

How It Works

In addition to garlic cloves, essential oils from cinnamon bark, myrrh copse, thyme leaves, allspice berries, and cumin seeds demonstrated "stiff killing activity against dormant and slow-growing forms of the Lyme affliction bacterium."

Essential oils are concentrated liquids from plants that are often used in aromatherapy. In aromatherapy, the oils are inhaled through a diffuser or diluted in oil and practical topically (to the skin).

Although this initial inquiry is promising, essential oils are not a replacement for standard antibody treatment. The essential oils listed are non considered safe to ingest in high quantities. Clinical studies examining the effects of essential oils in homo subjects are needed to inform future recommendations.

Inflammation happens when your body recognizes something harmful (such as infections, injuries, and toxins) and triggers a response to fight it. While inflammation is a natural function of fighting an infection, excessive or chronic (long-term) inflammation may lead to a variety of health issues.

Choosing anti-inflammatory foods tin can help slow down the inflammatory process. Withal, in that location is no direct research proving a perfect dietary pattern for Lyme disease.

Anti-inflammatory foods include tomatoes and light-green leafy vegetables similar spinach and kale; fruits such every bit strawberries, blueberries, and cherries; fatty fish such as salmon and tuna; and a healthy oil like olive oil. Basics and java, which contain polyphenols, an anti-inflammatory compound, may protect against inflammation as well.


Unless stated otherwise past your physician, a Mediterranean nutrition is considered a good for you option for life. Rather than seeing it equally a short-term selection to help your body recover from Lyme disease, adopting a long-term Mediterranean diet may improve your body'south power to fight off future diseases likewise.

What to Eat

The Mediterranean diet is a style of eating that's rich in anti-inflammatory compounds. Along with potential benefits to the immune system, a Mediterranean diet may ward off brain problems similar dementia and depression.

Compliant Foods

  • All fruits such equally berries, peaches, cherries, and apricots

  • Beans, lentils, tofu, and tempeh

  • Stale herbs and spices

  • Extra-virgin olive oil, avocado, and olives

  • Milk, plain Greek yogurt, and cottage cheese

  • Non-starchy vegetables such as eggplant, peppers, artichokes, and dark greens

  • Basics such as almonds, pistachios, walnuts, and cashews

  • Starchy vegetables such as sweetness potatoes and root vegetables

  • Water, coffee, and tea

  • Whole-grain bread and other whole grains such equally quinoa, barley, and brown rice

Non-Compliant Foods

  • Refined grains such as white breadstuff, white pasta, and pizza dough containing white flour

  • Refined oils, similar soybean oil

  • Foods with added saccharide such as cookies, cakes, and sodas

  • Deli meats, hot dogs, bacon, and other candy meats

  • Tabular array sugar

  • Soda, fruit juice, and sweetened coffee drinks

  • Ice foam and processed cheeses such as American cheese

Make Healthy Swaps

Focus on choosing fresh foods over packaged foods which tend to be more candy, and make vegetables the key part of your meal. First, endeavor thinking well-nigh foods you can swap, like fish for red meat or olive oil for canola oil.

Experiment with new foods like whole grains, or try a new recipe fabricated from beans and legumes. Buy a multifariousness of spices and herbs, either dry or fresh, to flavor your food.

Increase Fruits and Veggies

The Mediterranean diet emphasizes 7 to x servings of fruits and vegetables per day, and then expect for opportunities to add more fruits and vegetables to your meals, such as calculation peppers to your eggs, calculation avocado and tomato plant to your sandwich, or pairing an apple with whole-grain crackers.

Fish such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna are loftier in omega-three fatty acids, which reduce inflammation. Whitefish and shellfish, although high in poly peptide, are not as high in omega-3s.

Recommended Timing

The Mediterranean diet does not recommend the specific timing of meals. However, other studies suggest that consuming almost calories earlier in the twenty-four hours and extending the overnight fast by not snacking at dark may reduce inflammation.

Cooking Tips

Eating a nutrition with more focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans may seem daunting. You lot may be used to planning your meal effectually the meat, so giving center stage to vegetables and whole grains may take a little extra planning and creativity.

Think ahead about your meals to brand sure that you lot have the proper ingredients on hand. Sauté foods in olive oil rather than deep-frying them, and endeavour making your salad dressing from healthier oils and avocado.


While some alternative medicine treatments (like essential oil therapy) come with potential risks, the Mediterranean nutrition is a nutritious way of eating that focuses on whole and natural foods. Herbal remedies may not be safe and could interfere with Lyme affliction antibiotics or other medications you're taking.

Always talk to your medico before making pregnant changes to your diet or taking supplements, especially when you're undergoing treatment for an acute condition similar Lyme disease.

Full general Nutrition

The Section of Agriculture (USDA) recognizes the benefits of a "salubrious Mediterranean-way eating design" in the eighth edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Co-ordinate to the USDA, the Mediterranean diet offers higher intakes of fruit and seafood when compared to a healthy U.S.-style eating design.

The nutrient content is like, however, since the Mediterranean diet includes lower intakes of dairy; calcium and vitamin D intakes may also be lower.

Sustainability and Practicality

Following a specific style of eating is often easier at dwelling house than during social events. However, the Mediterranean diet is an exception. Since information technology includes an assortment of foods, the Mediterranean nutrition translates well into both habitation and social eating situations.


The Mediterranean diet allows for a wide diverseness of palatable foods. Making the transition away from high-sugar candy snacks or fast nutrient can exist an adjustment, simply with some practice and creativity, the Mediterranean diet is flexible enough to accommodate most taste preferences and budgets.


The Mediterranean diet centers around home-cooked nutrient rather than eatery meals or processed foods. Cooking your ain meals can exist a money-saver, depending on how yous shop.

While seafood, nuts, and olives tend to be college-toll items, followers of the Mediterranean diet can salve money by balancing their plate with plenty of beans, lentils, and dark-brown rice.

Purchasing fruits and vegetables in season and taking the fourth dimension to ready them yourself (rather than choosing precut items) can help to stretch your food dollar on the Mediterranean diet.

Dietary Restrictions

Excess weight gain is considered pro-inflammatory. Although the Mediterranean nutrition is high in satiating nutrients, like healthy fats and cobweb, it's possible to gain unhealthy weight when your energy intake is off balance.

Continue to be mindful of portion sizes and incorporate regular concrete activity as role of a healthy lifestyle on the Mediterranean diet.

If there are specific foods you are unable to eat due to a food allergy or intolerance, such as nuts, speak with a registered dietitian to alter the Mediterranean diet to accommodate your body.


In addition to antibiotic treatment for Lyme disease, an anti-inflammatory diet might exist beneficial. A Mediterranean diet is i that tin be used long term to support your allowed function.

Lyme Disease Doc Give-and-take Guide

Get our printable guide for your next doctor's date to help you lot ask the right questions.

doctor discussion guide

A Give-and-take From Verywell

Diet is non the number one factor in Lyme affliction prevention or treatment. Avoiding tick bites, seeking early treat suspected infections, and following through on your doctor'south recommended antibiotic treatments are crucial to reducing your adventure of severe symptoms.

While alternative therapies can seem enticing, they aren't e'er the best course of action. However, complementing Lyme disease treatment by using nutrition to lower inflammation throughout your body stands to do good your immune system and general health.

Ofttimes Asked Questions

  • How is Lyme disease transmitted?

    Lyme disease is transmitted by infected ticks biting into the pare. Information technology commonly takes 36 to 48 hours before the tick can transmit the disease. Ticks can get unnoticed during this catamenia of fourth dimension by producing a saliva that numbs the area and reduces skin sensitivity.

  • Can you eat potatoes on a Mediterranean nutrition?

    Yes, y'all tin swallow potatoes of whatsoever kind on a Mediterranean diet. The specific foods included in the Mediterranean nutrition tin can slightly vary from one person to another, but for the most part, fruits and vegetables of all types are heavily encouraged. Whole grains, beans, legumes, and any found-based foods are also a staple of the nutrition.


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